Nikola Tesla Patents
mag net in circuit with the material, and an escapement controlled by said magnet and adapted to permit a half revolution of the receptacle when the said magnet is energizedas set forth. $12 15. The combination with a movable body or vehicle, of a propelling motor, a steering motor and electrical contacts carried by a moving portion of the steering mechanism, and adapted in certain positions of the latter to interrupt the circuit of the propelling motor, a local circuit and means connected therewith for controlling the steering notor, and a circuit controlling the local circuit and means for rendering said controlling circuit ser sitive to the influence of electric waves or disturbances exerted at a distance from their source, as set forth. The combination with the steering motor, a local circuit for directing current through the same in opposite directions, a controlling circuit rendered sensitive to the influence of electric waves or disturbances exerted at a distance from their source, a motor in circuit with the steering motor but adapted to run always in the same direction, and a local circuit or circuits controlled by said motor, as set forth." 23 After a careful consideration of the objections made to the application, and particularly to the claims as originally. filed, we submit the original claims, with 10 and 11, for reconsideration substantially unchanged except in form. With the explanations and arendments made we believe that claims 6 to 9 inclusive are now unobjectionable, and it remains for us to consider the first five claims, which 14. cover the new art which the invention involves. -28281