Nikola Tesla Patents
A Room 85. In the matter of the application of NIKOLA TESLA, No.684, 934, Filed July 1,1898, Method of and Apparatus for Controlling the Movements of Vessels. Washington, D.C. Oct. 4th, 1898. Hon. Commissioner of Patents; - In the matter of the above application we now amend as follows:- On page 22, cancel paragraph beginning line 13 and ending on line 25. On page 25, after line 9, insert as follows:- The invention which I have described will prove useful in many ways. Vessels or vehicles of any suitable kind may be used as life, despatch, or pilot boats, or the like, or for carrying letters, packages, provisions, instruments, objects or materials of any description, for establishing communication with inaccessible regions and exploring the conditions existing in the same, for killing or capturing whales or other animals of the sea, and for many other scientific, engineering or commercial purposes. But the greatest value of my invention will result from its effect upon warfare and armaments; for, by reason of its certain and unlimited destructiveness, it will tend to bring about and maintain permanent peace among nations." The object of the above amendment is simply to transpose a paragraph which in copying was not inserted in its proper place in the specification. 1 285