Nikola Tesla Patents
Tesla was granted nearly 200 patents worldwide
15.98 613809 Nikola Tesla Patent No. New York, County of PAR State of New York... Invention Mechod of apparatus for Contealing the Mechanism of Moving Vessels or Vehicles. July 1, 1898. Fast a Petition Affidavit Specification Drawingtest 1919 Ande Model Specimen u Cert. First feelash $15, July 1=98 July 198 FFBERA y Aled complete 3 put Fas Examined Och 7/98 And Lady Countersigned: mübah Notice of alloggnice telur 10.1898 40 let 18² 189 Final fee 2006 En Primber atented. Cert. Keri Cartis مور کویت 5. 8. 13. 15. - papers. x 98 Busted $ 28, "Sub. Open " " 98. TENTS: mprovemrut in TITLE: nettial of and amage 223 yllie Cheval