Nikola Tesla Patents
Nikola Tesla U.S. Patent 649,621 - Apparatus for Transmission of Electrical Energy Patent Wrapper Page 19
216 that their periods of vibration are the same. This is a special form of the apparatus covered by claim 3, and is not suggested by the Edison patent. claims 9 and 10 are for an apparatus that was not known at the date of the Edison patent, and hence could not have been contemplated by that reference. There is nothing to indicate that the circuits including the transformers in the Edison patent were not ordinary circuits such as were always used at that time, and in which no attention was paid to the relative length of the circuit to the frequency of the alternations, nor to its capacity and inductance. In every circuit in which electrical oscillations take place there will be nodal points, and hence points of maximum and points of minimum potential, and the reason why the old forms of induction coils were apt to break down was that no regard was paid to this fact, so that the point of highest potential was as likely to be at some point inside the coil as at some other point in circuit outside of the coil. There is nothing whatever going to show that Edison recognized this, or that he adjusted the physical constants of the circuits so as to make the points of highest potential of the saves coincide with the elevated terminals, as applicant does. We think, with the above explanation, the claims should be allowed, and respectfully request a reconsideration. Кен. Вака четри aitys perusta. 850 -3This page retyped from microfilm better readability Ed.