Nikola Tesla Patents
JUULILO LIL 3 13 economizing energy and reducing the cost of construction and operation of the apparatus. Q Now I have discovered, that when a circuit adapted to vibrate freely is maintained at a low temperature, the oscillations excited in the same are, to an extraordinary degree, magnified and prolonged, and I am thus enabled to produce many valuable results, which have heretofore been wholly impracticable. Briefly stated, then, my invention consists in producing a great increase in the intensity and duration of the oscillations excited in a freely vibrating or resonating circuit, by maintaining the same atalow temperature. ordinarily, in commercial apparatus, such provision is made only with the object of preventing wasteful heating and, in any event, its influence upon the intensity of the oscillations is very slight and practically negligible, for as a rule, impulses of arbitrary frequency are impressed upon a circuit, irrespective of its own free vibrations, and a resonant rise is expressly avoided.My invention, it will be understood, does not, primarily, contemplate the saving of energy, but aims at the attainment of a distinctly novel and valuable result; that is, the increase, to the greatest practicable degree, of the intensity and duration of free oscillations. It may be usefully applied in all cases when this special object is sought but offers exceptional advantages in those instances in which. the freely oscillating discharges of a condensor are utilized. 2 The best and most convenient manner of carrying out the invention of which I am now aware, is to surround the freely vibrating circuit or conductor, which is to be maintained at a low temperature, with a suitable cooling medium, which may be any kind of freezing mixture or agent, such as liquid air, and -3507 J