Nikola Tesla Patents
JULIEJ CILD EXC CID CDDDDDDD LJ Sub a' To all whom it may concern: - Be it known that I, Nikola Tesla, a citizen of the United States, residing at the porough of Manhattan, in the city, founty and State of New York, have invented certain new and useful improvements in Means for Increasing the Intensity of Electrical Oscillations, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the drawings accompanying and forming part of the same. In many scientific and practical uses of electrical oscillations, as, for example, in systems of transmitting intelligence to distant points by signals conveyed through the natural media, it is of great importance to intensify, as much as possible, the oscillations which are impressed upon the circuits of the transmitting and receiving instruments, particularly of the latter. It is well known that when electrical impulses are im pressed upon a circuit adapted to oscillato freely, the intensity of the oscillations is dependent upon the magnitude of the physical constants and the relation of the periods of the impressed and that of the free oscillations. It is, therefore, usual to make such provisions that the period of the impressed is the same as that of the free oscillations excited in the circult, under which conditions the intensity of the latter oscillations will chiefly depend upon the inductance and resistance of the circuit, being directly proportionate to the inductance and inversely to the resistance of such circuit. Evidently then, in order to intensify the oscillations excited in a circuit, or, in other words, to produce the greatest rise 499