Tesla patent drawings

Nikola Tesla Patents

Tesla was granted nearly 200 patents worldwide

) Room No..91. Acermunications should be addressed to "The Commissioner of Patents, Weshingisa, C. c." kola Tesla, 2-071 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, All communications respecting this application should give the serial number, date of illing, and the of Invention. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, New York, N.Y. Care Kerr, Page & Cooper, 120 Broadway, WASHINGTON, D. c.July 25, 1899. ENT OFFICE 23 19 Please find below a communication from the EXAMINER in charge of your application. for Methods of and Apparatus for Utilizing Effects or Disturbances Transmitted through Natural Media, Io. 721,790, filed June 24, 1899 C. H.Duell Commissioner of Petents: The discussion of the state of the art beginning with line 1, page 2, and ending with line 9, page 5 adds nothing to an understanding of the invention set forth in this application, since the invention consists in a method of and means for receiving electrical radiations, and is not concerned with the manner in which these radiations are produced. Moreover, the various methods of producing the rad ia tions set forth, are we 11 known and any extended discussion of them is unnecessary. This discussion of the state of the art ahould according ly be canceled. The manner in which the apparatus is arranged, as set forth in the paragraph beginning with line 7, page 12, should be illusRULE 73. In every amendment the exact word or words to be stricken out or inserted in the application must be speciƱed and the precise point indicated where the erasure or insertion is to be made. All sach amendments must be on sheets of paper separate from the papers previously filed, and written on but one side of the paper. 317