Tesla patent drawings

Nikola Tesla Patents

Tesla was granted nearly 200 patents worldwide

JUDJJ (JEJEJEJEJ The Honorable Sir: United States Patent Office, Commissioner of Patents. Approved: application of I havs the honor to request Nikola Tesla, for Methods of and Apparatus for Utilizing Effects or Disturbances Transmitted through Natural Media, Ser. No. 721, 790, filed June 24, 1899, allowed Nov. 2, 1899, final fee not paid, be withdrawn from issue for the purpose of citing a newly discovered reference. March 14, 1900. Washington, D.C., March 14, 1900. Commissioner. Respectfully, с нашев Fred &. Fish Assistant in charge, Div. 16. CASE WITHDRAWN FRCH FILES OF ISSUE AND GAZETTE DIVISION Miel 14 1582. In an 327