Nikola Tesla Patents
1 1 J 10 S Another method, which was novel with me and was developed some years ago, is free from all these disadvantages, and has proven itself, in my hands and in those of others, to be the most useful and practicable one so far proposed. In this system the potential of a point or region of the earth is varied by imparting to it intermittent or alternating electrifications through one of the terminals of a suitable source of electrical disturbances, which, to heighten the effect, has its other terminal connected to an insulated body, preferably of large surface and at an elevation. The electrifications communicated to the earth spread in all directions throug the same, reaching a distant circuit, which generally 2 has its terminals arranged and connected similarly to those of the transmitting source and operates upon a highly sensitive receiver, This method is incomparably superior to those before mentioned in many features, as, for example, in cheapness, simplicity, economy and prac25 ticability. By means of it relatively very great differences of potential are obtainable at the terminals of the receiving circuit or device, which permits the operation. of the latter at much greater distances, all the more so, as it is both theoretically and practically demonstrated that the intensity of the impulses transmitted diminishes 15 Sub a' It is important to observe that, in all the methods which have been mentioned, the receiving circuit or instrument must be maintained in a definite position with respect to the transmitting apparatus, and this often imposes great limitations and disadvantages upon the use of the apparatus.. -4383