Nikola Tesla Patents
11) path, and any of these, or similar devices capable of fulfilling the requirements may be used in carrying my invention into practice. One such device of familiar construction, which will serve to convey a clear understanding of this part of my invention and enable a person skilled in the art to apply the same, is illustrated in the annexed drawing. It consists of cylinder A of insulating material which is moved at a uniform rate of speed, by clockwork or other suitable motive power, and is provided with two metal rings, B B', upon which bear brushes a and a', which are connected respectively, in the manner shown, to the terminal plates P and P' above referred to. Fran the rings, B 3', extend narrow metallic segments,s and s', which, by the rotation of the cylinder A, are brought alternately into contact with double brushes, b and b', carried by and in contact with conducting holders h and h', which are adjustable longitudinally in the metallic supports D and D', as shown. The latter are connected to the terminals T and T' of a condenser C, and it should be understood that they are capable of angular displacement as ordinary brush supports. The object of using two brushes, as b and b', in each of the holders h and h', is to vary at will the duration of the electric contact of the plates P and P', with the terminals T and T', to which is connected a receiving circuit including a receiver R, and a device d, of the kind above referred to, which performs the duty of closing the receiving circuit at prede termined intervals of time and discharging the stored energy through the receiver. -10389