Nikola Tesla Patents
392 course, understood that the capacity of the condenser should be such as to allow the storing of a much greater amount of energy than is required for the ordinary operation of the receiver. Since by this method a relatively great amount of energy, and in a suitable form, may be made available for the operation of a receiver, the latter need not be very sensitive, but, of course, when the impulses are very feeble, as when coming from a great distance, or when it is desired to operate a receiver 10 very rapidly, then any of the well known devices, capable of responding to very feeble influences, may be used in this connection. FIS, If, instead of the alternating impulses, short impulses of the same direction are conveyed to the plates P and P¹, the apparatus described may still readily be used, and for this purpose it is merely necessary, to shift the brushes b and b' into the position indicated by the dotted lines while maintaining the same conditions in regard to synchronism as before, so that the succeed20 ing impulses will be permitted to pass into the condanser,. but prevented from returning to the ground or transmitting medium during the intervals between them, owing to the interruption during such intervals of the connections leading from the condenser terminals to the plates. रि Another way of using the apparatus with impulses of the same direction is to take off one pair of brushes, as b, disconnect the plate P from brush a and join it directly to the terminal T of the condenser and to connect brush a with brush a'. When thus modified the apparatus appears as shown in Fig. 2. Operated in this manner, -13