Nikola Tesla Patents
366 NUMBER (SERIES OF 1900.) 7.812. ssignee. New YorkPATENT NO 685 955 Nikola Tesla Prenewal. 1901 Petition. Affidavit. Specification... Drawing. Model... none. unty of.. New Yorkate of vention. Apparatus for Utilizing Effects Transmitted from a istance to a Breceiving Deines through the Natural Media.. ORIGINAL. Sep 8 1.899... 190.... 1. 199... ......., 190. ....... Specimen............ First By 1. 1899190... tented... sociate Attorney. 190.. 190 , 190. 190 1.899, 100 Jean190.... For Commissioner. tice of allowance November - 4. 1899 190... August -25. 1900. al Fee Cash....... 190.. Cert. 190.... November 5 DIV. 16 (EX'R'S BOOK.).. 156. — 9. 7. p Y Cert... "2" Sex App. filed complete Dep. - ·1 famined: Nov-2 -1.899F. W. Wintera-te Toro S Klass E July untersigned J.W. Babem - S.M. Pool Jense Garbage Snatch 16. Ach OLD WRAPPER WITH.RECORD.DE.ACTIONS. #1.5=.. INSIDE. RENEWED. May 2.7. 190/... 190.... dress. Address.. tent No... Date of Patent. 6.2.317 N. Tesla (62.317) 190.... 190.. May 2... 12001.. 190 190. 190.... 190.. 190... For Commissioner. 190.. 16 : 100... 190... ‚190). ..... Attorney Herr Page of с втори 120 Bdways New York.