Nikola Tesla Images and Photographs Images and photographs of, or related to, Nikola Tesla Displaying 1 - 12 of 781 171 more images are available to members.Login or join today to access all content. Search Category - Any -Nikola Tesla PhotosNikola Tesla Illustrations──────────Awards and MedalsBirthplaceCitiesCoins and CurrencyColorado SpringsCompaniesDiagrams and Technical IllustrationsFamilyFuneral and EstateHotelsInventionsLaboratories and OfficesMiscellaneousMonuments and StatuesMovies and TVNiagara FallsStampsTesla Memorial (Croatia)Tesla Museum (Serbia)WardenclyffeWorld's Fair Sort by RandomDate addedDate updatedRelevance Order AscDesc Tesla at the second banquet meeting of the Institute of Radio Engineers Illustration of Nikola Tesla appalled by women's pearls Sketch of the electrical genius, Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla Company logo and Tesla signature Sketch of Tesla at around 60 years of age Tesla's Colorado Springs oscillator with lamps illuminated at bottom of extra coil Tower & lab building at the Tesla Memorial & Birthplace in Smiljan, Croatia Illustration of Tesla from Reader's Digest "Strange Genius" article Interior of Tesla's Colorado Springs lab showing small coils inside large oscillator 200-horse-power high pressure Tesla turbine Drawing of Nikola Tesla digging ditches after leaving the employ of Edison The Tesla statue at St. Sava Cathedral showing Tesla's name in gold Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 … Next page › Last page » Within the Universe Documents Nikola Tesla documents, files and papers. Quotes Profound and insightful quotes by Nikola Tesla. Books Books written by and about Nikola Tesla. Timeline Important moments and events related to Tesla. Patents Nikola Tesla held around 200 patents worldwide. Articles Nikola Tesla in the press. Landmarks Locations related to Nikola Tesla. Letters Letters to, from and about Nikola Tesla. Movies and TV Nikola Tesla on the screen.