Newspaper and magazine articles related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Articles

Newspaper and magazine articles related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla on Atomic Energy

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Tesla was a great scientific visionary, who, among other of his predictions, before his contemporaries realized that in the tiny, invisible atoms, an enormous amount of energy was hidden, which one day would be discovered and used by men.

It is unbelievable that the words we are about to cite, this Prometheus of human thought noted in 1915, and that the nuclear energy was commercially used decades later, after the Second World War.

This is what he noted:

“Let us assume that the scientists have solved the mystery of the atom and have released its hidden energy. Suppose that the atom breaks according to our desire. What will result from that? The outcome will be such that we, today, cannot even assume it. It is not difficult to calculate that potential energy hidden in a coin has enough power to drive fifty railway wagons to a distance of six hundred miles.”

Tesla did not live to meet the day when this idea of his was materialized, but we can confirm that he was right.


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