Tesla Universe classic Tesla coil

Nikola Tesla People

Relatives, friends and associates of Nikola Tesla

Mirko Jovanovic



They Said About Tesla

“His inventions in the field of polyphase currents and his induction motor would alone be enough to perpetuate Nikola Tesla’s fame... The world will wait a long time for the emergence of another...

Tesla's Museum

If you ask citizens of Belgrade to point you to the Nikola Tesla Museum, a very few of them will tell you that since 1952 it has been located in a building in the Proletarian Brigades Street, in the...

Tesla and Lenin

In the 1920s, after the victory of the great October Revolution, the new Soviet government tried to shake off its great country from economic, scientific and cultural deadness and set it on the path...

Tesla and Friends

It is with great joy that I hear you are celebrating your 75th birthday, and that you have, as a successful pioneer in the field of high frequency energy, experienced the miraculous development of...

Nikola Tesla's Diary

All the great scientists like Copernicus, Da Vinci, Galileo, were, by the nature of their doings, incomprehensible and mysterious for laymen and “common” mortals. It was no surprise that stories and...

Nikola Tesla and Women

Nikola Tesla, that giant of science, never married and founded a family. No women, with the exception of his mother and his sisters, played a part of importance in his life. However, although he was...

Nikola Tesla and the People's Liberation War

Despite being very young when he left our country and went to America, Nikola Tesla remained firmly attached to his people and homeland. Although he visited the country only twice and was warmly...

Nikola Tesla and Contemporary War Technology

Observing the contemporary wars a few are of opinion that they would have been led a different way had there not been some of Tesla’s inventions. On July 1, 1898, he filed a patent, and then, on Lake...

Nikola Tesla - Protector of Plitvice

During Tesla’s visit to Zagreb in 1892, city authorities were very interested in his idea to light the city with electricity. To achieve that, a hydroelectric power plant was to be built on some...

Nikola Tesla in Belgrade

During his scientific sojourn in Europe, in the course of which he was acquainting his European colleagues with his discoveries in electrotechnics, on May 20, 1892, Tesla came to Belgrade. He wanted...