Newspaper and magazine articles related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Articles

Newspaper and magazine articles related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Oil Condenser

December 26th, 1891

With a view to improving the insulating medium between the plates of a condenser to adapt them more perfectly for use with alternating currents of high frequency, Nikola Tesla proposes to use oil as the insulating material. One form of apparatus is illustrated in the accompanying engraving, wherein is a box provided with condenser plates, B, C, separated by a body of oil contained within the receptacle. The construction admits of adjusting the distance between the plates, which is of advantage for graduating the condenser to the particular work for which it may be required. The plates are, therefore, mounted upon rods extending through stuffing boxes in the sides of the receptacle, and their distance apart may be graduated by adjusting the thumb screws L on the outside of the receptacle.


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