Nikola Tesla Articles
Site of Famed Tesla Experiments Now Marked; Historic Role Cited
Dedication Ceremonies Yesterday
The Nikola Tesla Historical Marker was dedicated Monday afternoon in Memorial park.
The marker designates the location of the world famous Tesla experimental laboratory of 1899. It also gives information regarding Tesla's scientific patents and their place in America's industrial history.
Vice-Mayor Harold Hawks officiated at the ceremonies and introduced distinguished guests who were in attendance.
Eugene E. Goodwin, zone manager of electric utility sales for Westinghouse Electric Co. in St. Louis, Mo., was introduced. He spoke on the many far-reaching accomplishments of Tesla.
"NIKOLA TESLA may have done more to change our lives than any man in history," Goodwin said. "It was his dedication to theory of alternating current that eventually resulted in its public acceptance."
When alternating current was used to transmit electricity from Niagara Falls to Buffalo, N.Y., a feat impossible by direct current, the battle fought by Tesla and George Westinghouse was won.
"This victory spelled an end to the age of steam and brought the miracle of abundant power to far-flung homes, farms and factories," Goodwin went on.
"It was the alternating current system of power generation and utilization first proposed by Tesla and developed by Westinghouse that started the electrical industry on the way to its present position."
Goodwin said that simply calling Tesla ingenious, gifted or inventive does not begin to do him justice.
"IT IS QUITE possible that he was the greatest inventor that ever lived. He came up with more fresh, completely new ideas than anyone before him. Most of his predecessors built on existing ideas to arrive at a new application. Tesla rarely did."
Tesla's thinking was so far advanced and so wild as measured by the standards of his time that many people thought of him as a "mad scientist," Goodwin continued.
"In 1931 Tesla discussed at great length the possibility of an intense beam of light capable of unbelievable feats. In 1961 the laser was finally in actual practice."
Tesla also predicted a guided missile defense system, unmanned torpedo boats and a death ray, Goodwin said. He also developed plans for a device quite like the present day atom-smasher.
Rev. Paul Fedic, St. Mary's Eastern Orthodox Church, Calhan, offered a prayer to close the dedication ceremonies.
ALSO IN attendance at the affair were Dr. Richard M. Pearl, president of the historical society; Stuart Richter, director of the city park and recreation department; Sen. Paul Bradley, representing Gov. John A. Love; J. S. Wiley, Colorado representatives of Westinghouse Electric, and James Springer, Colorado president of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.
Construction and installation of the historic marker was made possible by the park and recreation department and the Historical Society of the Pikes Peak Region.