New York city carried word that development of an invisible ray capable of stopping airplanes and automobiles in midflight, was the result of Tesla's Colorado Springs activities. The ray in question or the method of producing it has been offered to the American army, according to J. H. Hammil, an English engineer, representing a German scientist. Use of the rays last summer caused French airplanes to descend over Bavaria, it is said.
Nikola Tesla
In discussing the process Hammil told newspaper men:
Additional information concerning the work of Nicola Tesla, electrical wizard, who made his home in Colorado Springs for about seven years starting in 1899 came to light yesterday thru Chief Hugh D. Harper of the police department. Tesla, who is now acclaimed as the man responsible for the fundamental discovery out of which grew the much advertised "death" ray of today, while in Colorado Springs experimented with wireless telegraphy, according to Chief Harper.
"I guess we all thought him crazy," said the chief last night. At the time was running the old Nob Hill street car. Tesla had an Inclosed tower at the end of a barn or building about 200 feet, north of Pikes Peak avenue and about 200 feet east of Hancock Avenue."
Chief Harper said he remembered distinctly that Tesla was supposed to be experimenting with two metal discs trying to make a spark jump from one to the other.
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