Nikola Tesla Books
which prevents rapid falling, allows a person to descend slowly and almost without danger to the ground.
When Tesla was young, parachutes were not known, but a thought occurred to him in his quick mind that, with the help of his father's umbrella, he could jump from a greater height without getting hurt. What he conceived, he did. However, he miscalculated in his calculations. The umbrella could not withstand the strong air pressure, it flipped over, and some spokes broke, so young Nikola, during the fall, got quite bruised.
For this mischievous act, he received a scolding.
Boldness is sometimes necessary, but it can also be dangerous.
Young Nikola wants to get wings
The spirit of young Nikola never rested. Nikola was always doing something, fixing, inventing, and in various ways creating entertainment for himself. That's why he often caused damage to his parents.
For example, he was curious about the ticking of the clock, so he wanted to find out the cause of that ticking. Because of that, he secretly took his fatherâs clock and carefully disassembled every piece. He thought that assembling the pieces would be as easy as dismantling them. But only when he started putting them back together, he realized that it wasn't as easy. Thus, Tesla ruined his fatherâs clock.
Nikola made various toys, such as: guns, cannons, arrows, swords, small wheels, and more. He was excellent at aiming with an arrow and could hit a target from a great distance.