Nikola Tesla Books
On the Road to Glory!
Teslaâs professor acknowledges that Tesla will be a great man but believes that what he envisions is unattainable.
In the second year of the Great School, Tesla continued his work with the same enthusiasm and dedication as in the first year.
Once, the physics professor gave a lecture on an electrical machine and set the machine in motion. Tesla saw an electrical machine in operation for the first time. All students listened attentively to the professorâs presentation, explaining each detail. However, Tesla already noticed significant flaws in those old electrical machines and concluded that they offered only a fraction of the benefits they could provide. Therefore, he pondered on them and came to the conclusion that these flaws could be rectified, leading to the creation of simpler and more efficient electrical machines.
Tesla communicated his conclusion to his peers and the professor.
His peers admired Teslaâs keen insight and felt that he truly possessed supernatural gifts and abilities. Even the professor listened carefully to Teslaâs explanations and held great respect for him - his student. However, what Tesla saw, no one else could see, including his professor. The professor believed that Tesla was on the wrong path and wanted to dissuade him. Therefore, he gave a special lecture on electricity and electrical machines in Teslaâs honor. During this lecture, the kind professor expressed his admiration for Nikola Tesla. He said that Nikola Tesla might become a famous man and a great inventor. However, he also