Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Documents

Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 119

REC Asst. Dir.: Assoc. Dir. Dep. AD Adm. Dep. AD Inv. IOR Adm. Serv. Ext. Affoirs Fin. & Pers. Gen. Inv.. Ident, Inspection Intell. Laboratory Legal Coun.. Pion. & Evai. Rec. Mgnt. Spec. Inv. Training Telephone Rm. Director Sec'y 100 -2237-30 June 23, 1976 Honorable United States Senate Washington, D. C. 20510 Dear Senato enclosing the letter of This will respond to your Enclosure - the effects of Dr. Nikola Tesla were impounded, after his death, by the office of Alien Property of the Department of Justice and not by the FBI. Since we did not participate in the handling of Dr. Tesla's belongings, I am unable to furnish the information you desire. A copy of your communication and of this reply are being referred to the Department of Justice and the enclosure to your communication is being returned as requested. Assistant Attorney General Civil Division Sincerely yours, C. M. Kelley Clarence N. Kelley Director ROOM i 1 Milwaukee 1 Enclosures (2) NOTE: This response is consistent with past responses to inquiries of a similar nature. Bufile 100-2237 reflects that the Office of Alien Property took possession of Dr. Tesla's papers following his death. Enclosures (2) Office of Congressional Affairs MAILED I AJIRE THIS UHOL SFIED DATE 23-82 BY - JUN 2 3 1976 F00 ال PAETYPE UNIT ***TION CONTAINED BY pr/pte Be stion of June 16th Enclosures (2) - (C) 119 FBI/DOJ