Nikola Tesla Documents
Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 16
Toleon Ladd CLOSE Zlev in tichols togen recy arbo okt le. Room 1.00 % Reference is made to your inquiry by en March 29, 1950, sonserning certain technie belonged to the late Nikola Tesla. 67 C From an examination of our files, we have been able to determine that this Bureau has never been as had been indicated to you, of a copy of Dr. Ter SIT*X3 RECORDED-534 MAILED APR 4 April 3, 1950 1950 COMM. FB! ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 22-80 BY~ Very sincerely youre, J. Edgar Hoove V سان APR 1950 100-323²³7. 3²-271 U.S. DEPIT. OF JUSTICE FBI REGELVED READING ROOM APR 3 5 19 PM $50 IFIED Pape= (2) " $ DEP'T F RECEIVED NG ROOM 16 APP 4 || 20 AM ³50