Nikola Tesla Documents
Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 176
G ABSTRACTS OF DR. NIKOLA TESLA'S WRITINGS RETAINED AS EXHIBITS FOR THE ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTODIAN (3 On Jamuary 26 and 27, 1943, an examination was made of the technical papers of Dr. Nikola Tesla which, after his decease, had been stored in the Manhattan Warehouse in New York City. This examination was made for the purpose of determining if any ideas of significant value in the present United States war effort could be found among his possessions. Participating in this examination were Mr. John C. Newington, New York Office of the Alien Property Custodian; Mr. Charles J. Hedetniemi, Washington Office of the Alien Property Custodian; Dr. John G. Trump, Office of Scientific Research and Development, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Willis George, Office of Naval Intelligence, Third Naval District; Edward Palmer, Chief Yeoman, USNR; John J. Corbett, Chief Teoman, USNR. 2. The following papers, which are regarded as typical of Nikola Tesla's writings and thoughts in the period of 1925 to 1942, were removed for the purpose of record and are listed below in the random order in which they were found, together with a brief individual abstract. Exhibit A Possibilities of Electrostatic Generators® - an undated article probably written about 1934 discussing the possibilities, as a source of high-voltage D-C power, of the Van de Graaff type of electrostatic belt generator. The article states correctly the electrostatic principles employed in this device and points out that such generators are not suitable for commercial high-power applications, though of undoubted scientific value. Tesla's wireless tower, erected in 1902 on Long Island, is stated in this memorandum to have been charged to 30 million volts. Exhibit B *Reactin Reactive Forces of Glycerine and Dynamite" - an undated memorandum involving some calculations of the explosive power of certain compounds and then deviating to a discussion of the possibility of transmitting power by mechanical vibrations along the earth's crust. 000007 176