Nikola Tesla Documents
Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 177
ə e 0 Exhibit C process of De-Gassifying, Refining, and Purifying Notels" 41-page memorandum probably written about 1930 dealing with the above subject and proposing new theories of capillarity and surface tension. This correspondence indicated that this had been submitted to various industrial sompanies. Exhibit D WReply to Antorg re 'the generation of high-voltage and the acceleration of charged particles¹# - This document, dated November 8, 1935, maswers questions raised by Soviet engineers and scientists regarding Tesla's proposal of May 16, 1935. From this answer, it is deduced that the proposal concerned the generation of high voltages by electrostatic means. These means consisted of a high-voltage terminal presumably supported on an insulating column and charged by a gaseous charge conveying medium passing between ground and terminal. The ideas contained in this memorandum are fairly similar to the belt-conveyor electrostatic generator methods proposed by van de Graaff and do not appear to offer any unusual features. Exhibit E Art of Telegeodynamics, or Art of Producing Terrestrial Motions at Distance" This document, in the form of a letter dated June 12, 1940, to the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing *Company, proposes a method for the transmission of large amounts of power over vast distances by means of mechanical vibrations of the earth's crust. The source of power is a mechanical or electromechanical device bolted to some rocky protuberance and imparting power at a resonance frequency of the earth's crust. The proposed scheme appears to be completely visionary and unworkable. Westinghouse's reply indicates their polite rejection of this idea. bit *New Art of Projecting Concentrated Non-Dispersive Energy through Natural Vedia, This undated document by Tesla describes Slectrostatic method of producing very high voltages and capable of very great power. This generator is used to accelerate charged particles, presumably electrons. Such a beam of highenergy electrons passing through air is the #ooncentrated nondispersive" means by which energy is transmitted through natural media. As a component of this apparatus there is described an open-ended vacuum tube within which the electrons are first acoslerated. 000008 177