Nikola Tesla Documents
Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 180
Exhibit M (cont.) with planetary energy. The article further discusses the subject of wind, tides, lightning, and water power as a source of commercial energy. The last sentence of this memorandum states: With my wireless system, it is practicable to transmit electrical energy at a distance of twelve thousand miles with a loss not exceeding 5 per cent. I can conceive of no advances which would be more desirable at this time and more beneficial to the further progress of mankind." This memorandum constitutes an interesting generalized discussion of the various sources of power. It is qualitatively correct for the most part except probably in that portion which deals with atomic power. Exhibit N "The Transmission of Electric Energy Without Wires" an article by N. Tesla in the Electric World, March 5, 1904, pa ges 429-431. A general, somewhat biographical article on Tesla's early work with some speculation on the possibility of longdistance wireless transmission of large amounts of energy. Exhibit C J World System of Wireless Transmission of Energy" - an article by N. Tesla in Telegraph and Telephone Age, October 16, 1927, pages 457 and 460. An article which traces the early work on the production and transmission of electromagnetic radiations, describes Tesla's efforts to increase the amount of power which can be transmitted without wires and concludes with a proposed World System" for the wireless transmission of both power and communications. No workable disclosure of a means for accomplishing this is included, and such generalities as suggest the approach which Tesla had in mind do not seem capable of accomplishing the desired result. Exhibit P Interview with Dr. Nikola Tesla" by Alden P Armagnac for Popular Science Monthly, May 24, 1928. An 11-page memoran-- dum written in popular conversational style describing an interview with Dr. Tesla and reporting his present work. This report includes statements on a new airplane, on rocket ships, on the wireless transmission of power, on a world system plan for the transmission of speech and television, on the impracticability of harnessing atomic energy, on radio activity, end on the acceleration of charged particles, such as cathode rays, by high voltages. 000011 180