Nikola Tesla Documents
Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 179
و Thibit Method of Producing Powerful Radiations" an undated memorandum in Tesla's handwriting describing "a new process of generating powerful rays or radiations". The memorandum reviews the works of anard and Crookes, describes Tesla's work on the producation of high voltages, and finally in the last paragraph gives the only description of the invention contained in the memorandum, This description is as follows: "Briefly stated, my new simplified process of generating powerful rays consists in creating through the medium of a high-speed jet of suitable fluid a vacuous space around a terminal of a circuit and supplying the same with currents of the required tension and volume", Exhibit K A letter to prospective licensees on telegeodynamics dated December 27, 1941. This is a single-page letter with the typewritten signature of Dr. Nikola Tesla, in which he addresses himself to the prospective licensees of telegeodynamics, states that over a half million dollars was spent on this development with funds contributed by the Morgans, Crawford, J. J.Astor, and Fish, as well as commercial organizations, and states this to be a new art with which #unvelievable wonders can be achieved". Exhibit L Tesla's New System of Fluid Propulsion. This is an undated memorandum of about 20 typewritten pages describing a syntem of fluid propulsion in which the conversion from hydraulic to rotary mechanical power is achieved by passing the fluid between flat aircular disks, shaft-mounted and enclosed in a casing. This memorandum written about 1925 describes in general terms a kind of hydraulic turbine which seems practical. There is copious evidence among the other of Tesla's papers that this idea was generally disclosed to appropriate individuals and that it received favorable comment and possibly some use. Some of these comments are contained on the last page of the exhibit. Exhibit "The Power of the Future" - a memorandum apparently written by Tesla and probably in response to a request from some popular science group for an opinion as to the source of future power. This memorandum reviews the gradual evolution of power sources. It discusses in some detail the possibility of atomic power and states as his opinion that atomic power is not feasible. discussion of atomic energy is apparently confused to some extent 179 000010