Nikola Tesla Documents
Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 185
It may be well to contact Mr. Crosby's relatives or Mr. Cramps. Czito, Julius 4629 193rd St. Flushing, Long Island. Tels Flushing 7-4711. Mr. Czito was mentioned to me first by Mr. Kosenovich and later Mr. Spanel had received his name from Mr. Wm. Lawrence. Mr. Czito is a machinest by trade and worked for Dr. Tesla as such from 1915 to 1929. He was particularly concerned with the construction of a turbin, and a fountain developed for a Mr. Hatmaker. Among other things, he worked on an extractor for sulpher from sea water and mechanical device for measuring the resistance of ball bearing. He has little data left of Dr. Tesla's work but has a very good memory. He mentioned the Boston gear works, Mr. Bradley, Mr. Willer, the Zumbach Machinery Co. and Mr. Barney Levi. Mr. Czito's father also worked for 3 Dr. Tesla in 1894 and was with him at his Houston St. laboratory. Mr. Czito, Sr. accompanied Dr. Tesla to Colorado Springs in 1899. Mr. Czito has a very good memory and can furnish additional information. He has discovered a photograph showing all of the employees of the old Tesla laboratory. He worked for Dr. Tesla on the development of a speedometer for the Waltham Watch Co. (This information from interview). Clark, Mr. Geo. H. Res: 349 E. 49th St. Tel: El-5-1603. Bus: RCA fg. Co.. (Library) 25 Beaver St. N.Y.C. Room 314 A, Tel: Hanover 2-1829. Ext 123. kr. G.H. Clark was contacted by virtue of a call placed in December to Mr. Oran Dunlap of the RCA Corp. Mr. Clark has a very large collection of personal data pertaining to radio pioneers, particularly Marconi. His business has been to collect such data in order to assist the prosecution of a suit of infrigment against the Marconi patents. He has never met Dr. Tesla but he knows of his work and is interested in collecting historical data for preservation. Mr. Clark is a friend of ir. Sweezy. Crosby, Former Sec. of Commerce, Washington, D. Caddress unknown) See Cramps and Kerr Wetzel, Tailors 2 E. 44th t. Murry Hill 2-6757. N.Y.C. This firm was tailor for Dr. Tesla throughout most of his life and may have information with regard to his friends, not otherwise listed. 175