Nikola Tesla Documents
Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 187
DeForrest, Dr. Lee8190 Hollywood Blvd. Los An Had office in vicinity of 200 Broadway, as late as 1920. Mr. Dos Passos is believed to have engineering data of Tesla's according: to Thomas Byrne. Fitzgerald, Francis, A. Dubilier, William President of Cornell Dubilier Co., Vanufacturers CCondensers. Mr. G.H. Clark informs Calif. Dr. DeForrest is alive and was a friend of Dr. Tesis in the late 90 and early 1900's. There is a possibility that he may be able to assist in interpreting Tesla's works. Hammond, John Hayes, Jr. > Fradenburg, A.E. A reporter for the Brooklyn Eagle during 1930 who had numerous contacts with Tesla with regard to Power Transmission. His present address is unknown but he formerly resided in Brooklyn until 1934. J.M. that Mr. Dubilier hasin his possession some of the original notes of the 1899 experiments in Colorado Springs. Niagara Power Commission, Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. Fitzgerald, according to a personal interview with Dr. Tesla, was a friend of his on the A.C. power proposition for the development of Niagara. He also told me that Mr. Fitzgerald attempted to influence the Canadian Power Commission in 1927 for a project to transmit power without wires. There is a possibility that he may have some data. Gernsback, Hugo Publisher, Res; 230 West End Ave. Sohhler 4-2130 Bus: 25 W. Broadway, Tel: Rector 2-9690. A Friend of Zesla for about 35 years. Published many articles about Tesla during 1919 in the "Electrical Experimenter and later in Science and Invention." Has many of Tesla's original manuscripts and photos. Believes in all of Tesla's theories and has a working knowledge of them. This party was contacted several weeks prior to Dr. Tesla's death. Mr. Gernsback attempted to assist Dr. Tesla personally and appealed to Westinghouse for funds in 1933. Glochester, Mass. Tel. 2080 Mr. Hammond, Sr., financed some of Dr. Tesla's boat experiments and only 10 years ago John Fayes Hammond, Jr. operated one of Tesla's original models. The family has one of the boats in their 187