Nikola Tesla Documents
Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 188
Hassell, Eugene Floyd - possession now. Much technical data gen be gathered from this source. Res: Belport, Long Island Machinest, Sperry Gyroscope Company, Garden City, L.I. Employee Number 5470, Phone Vigilent 4-5400 (Restricted number) Ext. 211. Use any New York Phone. Name from Czito. This party knows of Tesla's laboratory on Long Island through the laundry driver named Tommy Wallon. Hobbs, Octavious Springfield Gardens, Long Island, (Has not been contacted) Hatmaker, (no initials) party who financed fountain built by Czito. Has not been oontaoted, but he lived in the St. Regis Hotel in 1920. Mr. KOSANOVICH SAVA Kosonovich, Sava Navarro Hotel, apt. 178. 112 Central park south, N.Y.C. Tel: Circle 7-7900, OfficeRegent 7-4662. President of the Central European Powers Association and former Minister of Yugoslavia - to the U.S. Mr. K. is one of the two living nephews of Dr. Nikola Tesla (see Nikola Trbjovich) Mr. K. was present in the Hotel New Yorker on the morning following Dr. Tesla's death. Others present were K.M. Sweezy, G.H. Clark. • knows of many blue prints that were in the rooms and a black notebook with several hundred pages containing the last notes of Dr. Tesla. Mr. K. says that some of the papers were marked "Government" and that Dr. Tesla had told him he had valuable information. Mr. K. is of the opinion that it may have been for the Yugoslav Gov't. He says that no will was found. His attorney is Mr. Wittenberg. He was appointed heir by the Surrogates Court of New York County. He said that the other nephew waived any interest. Mr. K. is not in accord with Mr. Fotich, present Ambassador of Yugloslavia to U.S., now in Washington. There is a bit of political unrest in the Yugoslav organization. Kerr, John Attorney, 233 Broadway, N.Y.C. Cooper Kerr Dunham (att. at Law.) Courtland 7-9334 also associated by Byran. This firm was the patent attorney for 112 of the Tesla patents. They also instituted the proceedings of the infringement suits for the Westinghouse Company. Mr. Kerr knew Tesla very well and can give considerable data. Er. Cooper, now deceased, was however, the main instigator of the patents for Tesla. hir. Cooper left this firm some time ago and Tesla apparently took some of his business 188