Nikola Tesla Documents
Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 189
OP Byrne, Thomas, J works for Cooper Kerr and punham (see John Kerr above). Mr. Byrne knew Tesla very well and also knows of the connections with the Union Sulpher Compnay and the turbine for which see trito. There is a wealth of information in the office of this company regarding the system of Power Transmission and any patents on file which were never issued Mr. Kerr and Mr. Byrne were contacted before Mr. Tesla's death. Kostioh (first name unknown) New York, Official photographer for the Yugoslav group. "Office believed to be 235 E. 72nd St. and Residence in Long Island city. He may be reached through Regent 7-4662. He is a friend of Mr. Kosonovich. Kulishich, Prof. Kosta to the new Cooper associates. Many of the old patents of Tesla in his own handwriting are available at this office. Er. Byrne has additional information. I am of the opinion that this firm still has a connection with Westinghouse. Gage, E. G. 111 Nassau St. Levi, Bernard - Res: Belgrad, Yugaslovia at the Tesla Institute.. He was a school mater of Tesla in Grotz. See the N.Y. Sun of August 27, 1931. N. Y. C. Engineer, workd for Leon Ottinger, Courtland 7-5500. He was a friend of kir. J.S. Leach (deceased) formerly of Redbank, N. Y. who made electrical parts for Tesla's laboratory. He says that he can get information regarding Leach's relatives and perhaps drawings. Machinest, Zumbach Machinery Co. 134 W. 54 St. N.Y/C. Circle 7-1444 Received this name from Czito who said that Levi knew of other work by machinests on Tesla's equipment. Lucan, John address unknown presumed to be in Manhattan. A former Western Union Messenger boy during June of 1937 who has other deta regarding recent contacts by Tesla during his sérvices as messenger. He has not been located. → Lynch, Arthur. Lived in England. Relieved to be near London, now deceased. Family had considerable correspondence with Tesla regarding transmission of power without wires. Lawrence, William. Science Writer, New ork Times. 229 W. 43 St. N.Y.C. Lackawanna 4-1000. Res: 541 E. 72nd St. Rhinelander 4-5538. 189