Nikola Tesla Documents
Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 24
Uffice M. norandum DARC FORM NO. 64 TO : Director, FEI -FROM : SAC, Ner York (6-3) SUBJECT: T TSOUCIA Mr. GEORGE H. SCHERFF, JR., ord R advised that he received two letters from LELAND Avenue Southeast, Minneapolis, Minnesota, photostat being furnished the Bureau and Minneapolis. ENCL 1. Mr. SCHERIFF stated that he was an associate 1514 and that for many years his father had been Dr. Mr. SCHEFFF said that he never heard of LELATE I, AL hear of ary of the names mentioned in ANDERSOS lett I, SCHERFF stated that he has quite a lit of ir. his possession and he didn't know whether or not the to a foreign government. Enes. () Minnea olis 1 urther action is being teen by the N. 2 b7c 2 • UNIT! FORMATION C IN IS UNCLASS 13 03 Incs.) • New York 11. aas 3-10-54 RECORDED - > 15 INDEXED - 15 EX-129 TES GOVERNMENT DATE: 2/10/4 NED Kropste no INDEXED ochelle, New York, 127 Seymour of which are 8 0 IKOLA TESLA in private secretary. did he ever EXP. PROC. 100-2237-4X1 165²-4-49193 MAX 1954 // 3:11 's writings e of value 24 BOVE Ат