Nikola Tesla Documents
Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 25
Leland 1. Anderson 127 Scymour Avenue Southeast Minneapolis 14, Minnesota Mr. George H. Scherif, Jr. 147 Scacord hoad westoster, NEW YORK Dear Mr. Scherif; February 3, 1954 re.: The Life and work of Dr. Nikola Tesia. Recently, I have founded an organization in name and honor of Dr. Tesla in cooperation with several people who were intimately associated with Tesla during his lifetime, and with others who are interested in Dr. Tesia and his achievesents from a scientitle and historical standpoint. (See enclosed brochure.) I nave had some difficulty locating a few of Tesla's associates, and, the name of George Scherfr is among them, Therefore, it is my sincere hope that you, Mr. Scherff, are the person I seek as having been associated with Tesla. I have personally studied the works of Tesla for a number of years , being particularly interested in elaborating upon his researches regarding nigh-tension radiant beams. Through some travel and otar efforts, I have been fortunate to locate many original collections of Tesla's correspondence and manuscripts, and in a few cases obtained number of interesting items. I was in New York a sort time ago on business, and while there I visited Mr. Keneth M. Swezey. He intends to undertake some significant work on behalf of Tesia in the near future, and since he knew Tesla for so many years during is it will be handled with great understanding. later life, I hope that you may have some interest in the work which I nave initiated on bear of Dr. Tesla. There are many matters that I wien to discuss with you, provided of course, that you are the Mr. Scherff related to the Tesla story. I would be most happy to hear from you at your earliest convenience, and will send you all publications of the organization if you wish to receive tren. Very truly yours, ZĂ©land I. Anderson 25