Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Documents

Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 42

200 Mr. John Ddgar Hoover, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington 05, Dear . Hooven: 9.20.55 4×1 Moforing to my letter to you August first, this year to me, August 11th., reletive to the matter of the papers of Mr. your lette : ikola Tesla. On August 26, I wrote the office of Alien Property regarding this matter, indicating that I had received the information from you that it was their department which had taken the Tesla Property into custody not yours.. I have a letter from Mr. Henry G. Hilken Tumber HGH: S: elk 017-3569, in which I am told that office that Department File "never had custody, nor has vested, any property of ikola Tesla". As I began this matter with you because it was stated in Mr. O'Neill's bool: that it was your department who opened Tesla's safe I am wondering if you have any further suggestions along lines, might follor to obtain some information in this regard? Thank you for your time and trouble. ALL PFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 7-2-80 BY4 E pofate! Sincerely, RECORDED-12 EX-107 September 10., 1955. ODE to 100-2237-6x2 17 SER 5 0 ROC. ka 42