Nikola Tesla Documents
Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 43
C RECO... HNDEXED-12 68 ZEX-107 17 (C) 100-2237-6x2 L Dear 1955, NOTE: (3) September 20, 1955 As you were advised by my letter of August 11, 1955, this Bureau was not connected in any respect with the acquisition or custody of the effects of Nikola Tesla, and it is therefore not possible to furnish you any additional information. I have received your letter dated September 10, K COMM FBI O SER 2849 1955 MAILED 30 12 DLE ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 7-2-80 BYA By letter 8-11-55, we referred 6x1 (B26) to the Office of Alien Property, which office was reported to have assumed custody of Tesla's effects subsequent to his deat (65-47953-6) 25-06 2 16 bil Miss Sincerely yours, 42. Silly Jempsto John Edgar Hoover Director 43