Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Documents

Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 64

I ↓ " 1: RECOGNITION FOR TESLA At long last Serbians-American and Canadian-have acted to honor the memory and achievements of one of perbia's greatest sons. the world-wide Centennial celebration of Dr. Nikol plan to erect a bust statue of the electrical genius to stand before the entrance of the Monastery at Libertyville, Ill. Steps looking towards that end were taken at the recent SNF convention following the reading of a leer by President MiRadakovich from His Grace, BishopNicolai. As the uniVersally-renowned churchman staten, erecision a g monument, by Serbians, would forever remind other Serbs of the honor and glory of Dr. Nikola Tesla. And that he was a SERBIAN, son of a SERBIAN ORTHODOX. clergyman, born in the SERBIAN SELO of Smiljan in Lika. Further, His Grace urged that the undertaking be a joint one and representative of ALL the Serbian orgaationa in the United States and Canada. He naturally looked to the SF for leadership, and the greatest monetary contribution. But he also besought the help of the Serbian Nat'l Defense and the Jedinstvo beneficial society. INDEXED - 36 60 OCT 7 1955 7231 The Convention voted $1000 for the project and a hand collection was taken up among the delegates and guests, kinsmen Miloš Konjevich of Joliet, Il, giving $200. It is probable that the balance of the needed $3000/ will be raised thru public good-will offerings and v cash gifts of the other two organizations mentioned. : f And after a suitable bust has been erected for Dr. Tesla, Bishop Nicolai suggested similar-like monument honor the memory of Dr. Mihailo Pupin, also a world-renowned scientist, author and educator. This is a subject near and dear to all good Serbian hearts! EX. - 113 100 2237 A NOT RECORDED 126 OUT 5 7-3-80 THIS UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION CONTAINED 23 5 HP Apparte "AMERICAN SRBOBRAN" September 28, 1955 Pittsburgh, Pa, 100-2237 64