Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Documents

Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 65

ļ SNF Opens Drive for Tesla Memorial at Libertyville$2000 PUBLIC AID SOUGHT PITTSBURGH, PA. The Serb sary monies and complete the Nat'l Federation Executive Board project in time for the worldhas acted quickly to implement a wide Centennial celebration for Convention decision to honor the the genins next year. menopy of the illustrious Dr. Nik-Spearheading the movement for alesla. At its first meeting of October 8, the Board drafted a resolution calling on all SNF members and good Serbians to help finance a memorial project for the late scientist-inventor genius. This would stand before the entrance of the Monastery in Libertyville, Ml. Cost of the contemplated project, which would clarion to the world that Dr. Tesla was a Serbian, is estimated at $3000. The Convention In his current TESLAIAN Dubvoted $1000 to the cause and a hand cation, Mr. Anderson revealed the collection among 122 delegates work, by Princess Vilma Lwoffyielded several hundred dollars, Parlaghy, is missing. more. Public Aid Sought Balance of the needed sum is now being sought thru good-will offerings of the general Serbian populace in the United States and Canada. A fund, similar to the one 'beconducted to help defray mortgage expernes on Shadeland, has been established. 1 It is hoped to raise the necesReviewing developments, Mr. Kinsman Milos Konjevich of Anderson wrote: Joliet, Ill, gave $200. INDEXED - 14 279 63 NOV 9 1955 tv light in it and the much deafred North exposure was missing. "At the suggestion of Mr. Tesla, a cluster of powerful incandescents was put up in the corner of the recognition, especially among apartment and the rays, filtered American elements, is the TESLA thru blue glass, were just the right SOCIETY, founded by scientist-quality. The portrait was shown engineer Leland Anderson, a fanatunder the same illumination. ical admirer of the late Dr. Nikola At Ease for Sitting Tesla. "Mr. Tesla, having ved the Mr. Anderson right now is con-problem of the artifical ban, fell to ducting a search for a famous porthinking about other parts of the trait of the Serbian electrical wizuniverse, and there he sat oblivious ard done at the turn of the century to his surroundings. in New York. ""The painter was able to prog duce a likeness in which there no evidence that the subject wa conscious that anybody watching him, much less studying his features from the other side of the easel. EX-10) Seek Missing Portrait ✓ I INFORMATION CONTAINED UNCSIFIED 11=2-3-80 ist 4 m/ste 7 100-2237-4 NOT NGCUPS 120 V 4 1955 "'Among those who attended the reception were Mrs. C. B. Alexander. Henry P. Davison. the Countless de Rittenburg and Mrs. E. T. Isham.' " "On March 1, 1916, the Princess gave a reception in her new studio in New York especially to exhibit her latest protrait of Nikola Tesla. After the Princess died. in 1923, An article in the NEW YORK her studio and all objects of art, TIMES for March 2. 1916. stated-was sold at auction. "It was one of the beliefs c Mr. Tesla that there was something unlucky about posing for a picture and he never sat to any hefore he enters the studio af the Princess. The room which she had chosen did not have a skyThe Telsa portrait, 53x48 inches, appeared on the cover of TIME mazine (July 20. 81) and in the ELECTRICAL EXPFRIMENTER (January 10(9), Mr. Anderson says. Its location is not how known. AMERICAN SRBOBRAN October 26, 1955 Pittsburgh, Pa, 100-2237 65