Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Documents

Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 67

ition at Niagara Falls, Centennial elebration ende. a, the delegates approved à 000 gift from the SNE and Donere d thai cided to raise, by pable their donat ara Follower ant, the balance of $2000. SNF Delegate M. Konjevich Fodor Dragion Peter Borovish SNP Counsel N. Step Delegate. N. Repinovich Maxim. Jakovas Ilja Janjanin Lou Balta / hand collection among the grass-roots leaders of the Seraised anather $450. Then, first meeting October 5, the ly-elected Executive Board of SNF appealed to the mem ship at large to fulfill the bale required. + First Contribution $100 acant 24 hours after the aporgan l was published in the Society's bobran** last Wednes, Sime Zelich of Cadiz, Q.. e $100. The proposed memorial, tue image, would be placed be e the entrance of the St. Sava bian Monastery in Libertyville, "There would proclaim to ns of thousands of Serbian sitors annually that Nikola esla was cff Serbian immigrant ock and son of a Serbian rthodox clergvman," Bishop icolai declared. For half a century and more, general American public has en misled anent the nationality the man who foretold the com; of atomic energy power. Only recently, a prominent American magazine listed him, scorrectly, Croatian tock. The mistake was subseuently publicly corrected with pologies by the publication. But lacking an image reference, th historical statistics, similar rors are likely in the future. Old References Poor ** The magazine publication, for stance, explained it obtained its ference material from an antiated guide book. Since the misleading matter ere was never challenged by rbians and other interested rties before, the magazine logily assumed it was factual. Erection of a bust statue. Iso listing Dr. Tesla's date of irth. birthplace, narents, etc... onld counter the old fide nd make certain that future -1000,00 200.00 Jovan Vukcevich Milan Kajganovich Steven Rogulia şi Bogdan Dragišich Milan Tomich Todor Vuicich Djuro Lukich Prof. Anthony Tomovich (Edmonton, Alberta, Can.) Teta Andia Mamula 1 G. Stoisavljevich R. Vukadinovich Janko Mrmich. Petar Maravich Mirko Baranin Stanko Jelich ★ Total $ 1, .00 20.00 10.00} 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 (Pittsburgh) Martha Mamula Bjelosh (Pittsburgh) 10.00' Sime Zelich (Cadiz, O.) 100.0" Milinko Alexich, war invalid (Omaha, Nebr.) 5.00 5.00 5.00 5,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 --the honoring, forever, of two of Serbia's best-known immigrant sons who contributed so greatly to the welfare and prosperity of their adopted America. We hope to report developments as soon as they take place, remembering Bishop Nikolai's concluding remarks: "Nikola Tesla, in the field of science, brought the Serbian name great glory-just as did the greatest Serbian knights on the field of battle." 67