Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Documents

Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 68

mone Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington 25, D.C. Gentlemen: During my senior year at Georgetown University read J.J.O'Niel's Biography of Nikoli Tesla; the book, entitled "Prodigal Genius" described quite a few of Tesla's experiments, most of which I tried myself in the physics lab. I am interested in reviewing Tesla's experiments in wireless electric power transmission. Unfortunately, Tesla died in 1945 just at the time he supposedly had developed a system of wireless power transmission. Since World War 11 was then in progress his papers were seized and sealed by the F.B.I. I suppose that by now Tesla's papers have been released for publication, but a call to the Library of Congress proded no results. Therefore, I have two questions: 216 hoppaile } 1) Does the F.B.I. now have Tesla's scientific papers? 2) If so, are they available for public inspection? If they were released, who has them? I will certainly appreciate any help you can give me along these lines, Tesla published very little of his findings; this, coupled with the fact that wireless power is connected by most people with "Death Rays" and crack-pots has made it nearly impossible for me to find anything on the subject. 323 23 June 56 b (17) FORMATION CONTAINED AN IS UNCLASSIFIED 2-3-80 BYS4 Youre very truly, En popste RECORDED - 86 700-2237-7 W ood 3 1956 68