Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Documents

Receipts, papers, notes and files related to Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 75

Pi Tolson Nichola Boardman Belmont Mohr Parsons Rosen Tamm Trotter Nease Tele. Room Holloman Gandy REC-1 flies reflect that ikan into custody after kife the Department of Dr. Tesla's effects, we requested. unable to supply & BA VEC.0 · E2WONVE: RR14 1958 ₺ 8 MAR 21 1958. MAILED 19514 2 50.28 MAIL ROOM F144 Director NOTE: Baffles reflect no record on correspon ones reflect above ye of reply has been utilized in the past in answering similar inquiries. (100-2237-7) Cavar Memorandum tram Belment to Beardman 6/19/35 forth background of this matter which causarned the douth Texla, and electrical inventor. Bureau was not involved in this of Office ień Pr containing his effects was done ale boxc COMM-FBI March 14, 1958 EBI-102.1CE YEC.D BE ** TION CONTAINED A REINIS UNCLASSIFIED formation you hing LICE 75