Nikola Tesla Letters
August 5th, 1899 letter from George Scherff to Nikola Tesla
New York, August 5th, 1899
46 & 48 E. Houston Str.
Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
Your telegram to draw the necessary money to pay the men was received at one o'clock this afternoon, but I still found the Paying Teller at the bank upon going down and obtained $150. This sum, he says, he will charge against the check and give me so much less when it is presented.
I am mailing at the same time with this letter a package containing five grades of silver filings, nickel and aluminum wire chips and an extra plug for the coherers.
Work on the clock-movements and bismuth filings, Mr. Uhlman says, is progressing as rapidly as possible. Those of the men who are not occupied on these two jobs are working on a third break.
I send herewith several bills, received to-day. among which are two from the D. Van Nostrand Company. I inquired about the other volume of Mascart & Joubert's work and was told, that it has to come from Europe, it was impossible to procure it here.
I inclose also a statement of the expenses for the week.
Respectfully and sincerely,
Geo. Scherff