Nikola Tesla Letters
May 21st, 1899 letter from Nikola Tesla to George Scherff
Colorado Springs, May 21, 1899
Dear Mr. Scherff,
I have received your letters and sketches of Mr. Uhlman, also report of Mr. Loewenstein. You ought to have told me about the money matters.
Please tell Mr. Uhlman that none of the modifications proposed is suitable. The trouble arises from the fact that the base is too high and the oil level is not enough below the top of the top of the shaft. Lengthening the shaft is not a good remedy. I believe the best is to lower the base and lengthen cores. The lengthening of the cores will be of advantage anyway. We get more ampere turns and better cooling. I have telegraphed instructions to this effect in regard to the independent break and hope that Mr. Uhlman has understood what I meant. He should go ahead and make the modifications in the design accordingly.
The present oscillator should, I believe, also be best modified in this way by lowering the top of the base. This would necessitate a larger primary and the base would be somewhat longer, but it would not matter. Tell Mr. Uhlman to look out that in this modified design the columns supporting rods come to the center. He should send sketch as soon as possible. I would also want him to modify the old large break as I told him before going away. The top should be redesigned but the pump should remain as now, in the form of a screw.
I shall want Mr. Loewenstein soon. Tell him we want some more books. The little motor should be sent on.
I shall write more as soon as I can. Please keep me posted.
N. Tesla
P.S. Small dynamometer (measures up to two amperes) should be shipped. Take 3 volumes of Nichols. They are good books of reference.