Nikola Tesla Letters
September 15th, 1899 letter from George Scherff to Nikola Tesla
New York, Sep. 15th, 1899
46 & 48 E. Houston Street
Nikola Tesla, Esq.,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Mr. Tesla:
The work of the shop is on the condensers and the fourth independent break. Mr. Uhlman says he thinks the condensers will be finished by the middle of next week.
The three inclosed cuttings were contained in the mail obtained from the Waldorf to-day. The two short items seem to be making the round of the press in the country.
In the mail from the hotel were further two appeals for aid, one from the Young Men's Christian Association, the other from one Nestor Crossman, who says he was formerly a hall boy in the Gerlach and is ill; in answer to both of these I have written information of your absence.
The daily press contains nothing of special interest just now, the Mazet investigation, Dreyfus case and coming Dewey celebration occupying most of the space therein.
Geo. Scherrf