Nikola Tesla Patents
Nikola Tesla U.S. Patent 1,119,732 - Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy Patent Wrapper Page 18
714 Canceled. per . c The principal object of my present improvements is to provide a circuit, more especially a freely vibrating or resonating circuit which, while of comparatively small linear dimensions and electrostatic capacity will permit the storage of relatively considerable quantities of electricity without the dielectric being ruptured anywhere, thereby enabling the attainment of enormous differences of potentials. To indicate the range I may say, that I have in view electromotive forces of as many as several hundred millions of volts, which I can readily produce and safely control in the manner described and for which I have discovered various uses of transcending value and importance. The most significant constructive feature of the circuit is the arrangement of its outermost conducting bounderies or capacity elements, on which the high-potential charge chiefly accumulates, in symmetrical enveloping surfaces of large radii of curvature. It should be distinctly pointed, out, however, that the virtues of the invention do not reside in any electrical properties of a terminal of large curvature tinct from those possessed by a terminal of small curvature. A curved surface, to be large must needs be of great radius, but apart of this the latter might be left out of consideration. Not so in cases when oppositely charged terminals, or electrodes of different radii are brought in mutual relation. There the curvature gives to the terminals specific qualities upon which the effects sought for are, as a rule, essentially dependent. In applying my invention for the purpose of producing extremely high potentials, such as required in my system of transmission of electrical energy through the natural media, my aim is to give to the outermost conducting 15 -10-37126 dis