Nikola Tesla Patents
Nikola Tesla U.S. Patent 1,119,732 - Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy Patent Wrapper Page 8
704 a 00M APR 15 1904 ENT OF SPATE Room 109. Application of Nikola Tesla, filed January 18th, 1902, Serial No. 90,245, Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy Through the Natural Media. Hon. Commissioner of Patents, Sir:- 96245 3 and 4 Armendt A Cripa.. 15.1904. good season. iled In the above entitled application we amend as follows in response to the official letter of April 16, 1903: Cancel the entire specification and claims, except the signatures, and substitute there for the annexed. Replying to the Examiner's statements in the official letter mentioned we would say that the electrode a² of patent 689,096 is not supported on a place of low density, but to all appearance on a place of high density, since the radius of curvature of the support is very small in comparison with that of the electrode. As pointed out, the arrangements described 5 New York, April 14th, 1904. in this and other references previously cited have nothing in common whatever with applicant's invention. We have endeavored, on pages 9, 10 and 11, of the new specification, to bring out the salient features of his invention, which we trust will be sufficient to convince the Examiner on this point. The claims formerly rejected have been amended, and additional ones introduced. The changes required in the drawing will be made in favor APR 16 1904 Respectfully submitted, Herr, Page & Cooper 371عار