Nikola Tesla Patents
Nikola Tesla U.S. Patent 1,119,732 - Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy Patent Wrapper Page 81
1 Sub & 2 Per G& 41. In apparatus for the production of powerful electrical oscillations, a self-inductor joined in series with an energizing circuit and a free terminal of the kind described, and having the elements of its outer surface disposed in space in a manner to prevent, on any of them, an undue rise of the electric density, as set forth. 42. In a high potential transmitter, a self-inductor supported on a place of relatively low potential and arranged in space to permit the accumulation of a great charge, as set forth. 43. In apparatus for the production of high tensions, a resonating circuit of comparatively small linear dimensions and having a relatively large outer surface of a configuration such as to minimize the effect of small radii of curvetures in the distribution of the free charge, as described. 44. In apparatus for the production of high potentials, in combination, an elevated terminal of the kind described, and a self-induction coil supported on a place of relatively low potential and extending to the elevated terminal, and having its turns sufficiently close to minimi? the effect of small radii of curvatures of the conductor, as set forth. (herr. Pagit Cevape) 83 371-79 777