Nikola Tesla Patents
Nikola Tesla U.S. Patent 1,119,732 - Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy Patent Wrapper Page 87
V intention described in patent 676,583 to Kinrade has nothing in common with that of the applicant. It is absolutely essential in the latter case that the curved surface be insulated in the manner exemplified in applicant's drawing. very purpose of the invention would be defeated. Kinrade merely provides a terminal of comparatively large surface in connection with a point. In such a case the distribution of electricity on the large surface is nothing like that in applicant's invention in which the xxx charge is free, that is, the one carried by the surface when remote from any conducting bodies or surfaces charged with opposite electricity. It was thought that this distinction was sufficiently brought out in the claims by the use of the term "free charge", but in view of the objection we propose to amend the claims as follows: Claim 1, line 3, before the comma following "surface" insert: remote from any oppositely charged body Claim 4, line 1, after the comma following "currents" insert: remote from any oppositely charged body, Claim 5, line 2, before the comma following "surface", remote from any oppositely charged body, As claim 2 is not mentioned in connection with the rejection of claims 1, 4 and 5, and is hot elsewhere in the official letter rejected we assume that it is allowed. With respect to claim 3, will the Examiner kindly indicate more clearly the portion of Ganot on which he relies, as we are unable to find in our copy any figure or reference which would seem to meet this claim, and it occurs to us that by the citation typographical or other error in the official letter/was not given insert: correctly. 89 -2Otherwise the 371783