Nikola Tesla Patents
Nikola Tesla U.S. Patent 1,119,732 - Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy Patent Wrapper Page 99
1 1 [ J J ( Per Eda Ande 12975 pagpat the figure is Referring to the accompanying drawing, & view in elevation and part section of an improved free. terminal and circuit of large surface with supporting structure and generating apparatus. The terminal D consists of a suitably shaped metallic frame, in this case a ring of nearly circular cross section, which is covered with half spherical metal plates PP, thus constituting a very large conducting surface, smooth on all places where the electric charge principally accumulates. The frame is carried by a strong platform expressly provided for safety appliances, instruments of observation, etc., which in turn rests on insulating supports F. F. These should penetrate for into the hollow space formed by the terminal, and if the electric density at the points where they are bolted to the frame is still considerable, they may be specially protected by conducting hoods as H Apart of the improvements which form the subject of this specification, the transmitting circuit, in its general features, is identical with that described and claimed in my original patents Nos. 645,576 end 649,621. The circuit comprises a coil A which is in close inductive relation with a primary C, and one end of which is connected to a ground-plate E, while its other end is led through a separate self-induction coil B and a metallic cylinder B¹ to the terminal D. The connection to the latter should always be made at, or neer the center, in order to secure a symmetrical distribution of the current, as otherwise, when the frequency is very high and the flow of large volume, the performance of the apparatus might be impaired. The primary C may be excited in any desired manner, from a suitable (3) 101 1 795