Nikola Tesla Patents
Tesla was granted nearly 200 patents worldwide
Nikola Tesla U.S. Patent 514,169 - Reciprocating Engine Patent Wrapper Page 3
48 1. 2. 3. 4. Application. Rejection Oct. 5, 23 Dior Caratts And Out 30.93 8. 9. 10% 11 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17: 18. 19: 20. 21: 22. 23. (2-191) 1213 FAR EXSINES 1893le Cyliader. NTENTS: Dibendts & D mm. 13.26 Resection Dov 2593 Letter to Office Jan & Improv papers. TIT rovement in Becapsicating the