Nikola Tesla Patents
Nikola Tesla U.S. Patent 514,169 - Reciprocating Engine Patent Wrapper Page 4
application Nikola Tesla, mundontion respoeting t Tuncan & Page, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, 120 Broadway, Room No... 248. AZ communications should be cdárras so The Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C." (2-071 m) Hur WASHINGTON, D. C., Subject: LED ОСТ В 1233 U.S. PATENT OFFICE: New York Cityeiled Aug.19,1893 No. 483,563. Please find below a communication from the EXAMINER in charge of the application above noted. Oct. 5, 1893. Reciprocating Engines. apply to the air cushion shown in the drawing. Thus.denon. Commissioner of Patents. The term "spring is not a proper term to It is not seen that the pawl described in the last paragraph of page 9 of the specification will drive the train of wheels as stated. The pawl R is no lettered upon the drawing. These objections should be overcome by proper amendment. All the claims are rejected on the patents to Copeland, Reisont 273,965,Hch.13,1883 (Surface Conden ser), Allison,3,573, Aug. 3,1869, 1 ३ (Steam Pumping Engine), Mosman, 88,406,lich. 30, 1869, Cram, no number, June 2,1336 and cately, 217275, July 8,1879 (Speed Gover nors). In regard to claim 4, there is no point in forming a chamber around the air cushion, since it would be impossible to develope a temperature in such device equal to the temperature of the steam, and in the employment of compressed gas, the increase in temperature would be practically immaterial, since the action of the piston would depend only on the pressure. Claims 5 & 6 are also rejected as being function acty 4 l'ant G.Leuis. 49