Nikola Tesla Patents
K' K", fig. 1 and fig. 3, are two relay magnets, conveniently placed in the rear of the propelling engine. One terminal of a battery k" is connected to one end of each of the relay.coils; the opposite terminal to the brush J', and the opposite ends of the relay coils to the brush J, and to the frame of the instrument respectively. As a consequence of this arrangement either the relay K' or K" will be energized, as the brush J' bears upon the plate i' or j" respectively, or both relays will be inactive while the brush J¹ bears upon an insulating space between the plates 1' and i". While one relay as K' is energized, its armature closes a circuit through the motor F, which is mored in a direction to throw the rudder to port. On the other hand, when relay K" is active, another circuit through the ! motor F is closed which reverses its direction of rotation. and shifts the rudder to starboard. These circuits, however, are at the same time utilized for other purposes, and their course is, in part, through apparatus which I shall describe before tracing their course. The fixed rod H carries an insulating disk or head L, fig. 2, on which are supported six brushes, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, fig. 3. The sleeve b which surrounds the rod and is. turned by the steering motor F carries a disk L', upon the upper face of which are two concentric circles of conducting contact plates, Brushes 1, 2, 3 and 4 bear upon the inner circle of contacts, while the brushes 5 and 6 bear upon the outer circle of contacts. (17) 241